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Whats New with My Life
<2/9/01> Nothing real new. No new guys. Hahaha, I got hit on by a couple of 7th graders today.
<2/16/01> Yah! It snowed, about 10 inches!! I played in it...like everyone else.
<2/18/01> I went up to the mountains today. My Dad thinks the snow around our house isn't deep enough. Heh. After falling on my face and almost breaking my nose, I got pooped on by a freakin' bird.
<2/25/01> Brandy gets sent to the hospital with appendicidus (spelled wrong). GET BETTER!!!
<2/28/01> Big quake. They say it was a 7.0. I don't think it was that big. Minor damage at home.
<4/3/01> Well, to make a looooong story short...both my grandma and my mom have lymphadic (lim-fa-dik) cancer. Thats cancer in the lymphnodes. I already knew about my mom for awhile but I just found out about my grandma today.